Our Suppliers

How we build long-term partnership

Working with our partners in a sustainable and responsible way

Bringing innovative, effective, high-quality products to our consumers around the world has always been L’Oréal’s mission. To do this, we select partners who are experts in their field, and with whom we can build a long-term relationship and co-create sustainable innovations.

These partners work with us at every stage of the supply chain, with one essential requirement: to act in a responsible and ethical way. Our purchasing policy is based on meeting strict ethical, environmental and social requirements, in order to ensure the quality, effectiveness and traceability of our products. The Buy & Care charter that connects us with our suppliers defines very precise rules for responsible purchasing at a worldwide level.

Focus on A Sustainable Relationship

We create and develop solid and sustainable relationships with our suppliers around the world, based on trust, mutual interest and high standards.

Our commitment to our suppliers


people gained acces to work through the Solidarity Sourcing programme in 2020


of our Group’s strategic suppliers have been evaluated and selected on the basis of their environmental and social performance.

In 2020, 1,268 social audits were carried out,
making a total of over 10,800 since 2006.


of our strategic suppliers have completed a self-assessment of their sustainability policy compared with our Group's Sustainable Development standards


suppliers who have initiated similar program inspired by Solidarity Sourcing in their supply chain

L'Oréal Campus for Suppliers

We have created Campus for Suppliers to communicate with and for our suppliers. Available to selected partners, this platform delivers a special “supplier experience” by gathering information flows, regrouping events organized for our suppliers and opening a space to exchange on shared projects.

You will also find information on the L'Oréal Group such as our performance measurement rules, the details on our environmental program, our webinar replays and our Communication Kit, shared at our Business Review. 

To obtain access to our Campus for Suppliers, please contact your L'Oréal Key Account Manager, who will assess your application. 

Access to Campus for Suppliers